Only a Tight Socket is worthy of my Shameless Plug

Friday, August 22, 2008


I've been too busy playing Zelda games and the fuck-yeah that is the Nintendo 64 for the past week, or so, to update. Not to mention I haven't been at my house half of the time. Blah blah blah!

A-n-y-w-a-y-s... Moar Pun Fun, and I, for one, would love pun fun!

Oh shit, before that, I got my schedule for school.

Man, I don't get to have German until the 2nd/3rd trimester ):

I also need to switch my AP lit from 3rd to 2nd hour.

Also, AIDS.
If Mohammad [Praise be his name] had founded his religion in the same matter that L. Ron Hubbard founded $cientology, would that make him a prophet?

1 comment:

Brittany said...

well then.
your just all mixxed up.

don't fret if your gutiar strings break.

I had another REALLY GOOD PUN i wanted to share but it was earlier today and short trem memory loss and mind games that make my tummy hurt got in the way.
