Only a Tight Socket is worthy of my Shameless Plug

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Malicious Misery Makes Most Memorable Music

First up, I'm putting a shameless plug here for the band Malice Mizer. It's like Japanese Harpsichordian Rochno. Yeah, no, I can't really explain the genre at all, so here is a little html'd song. [above]

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to say... hey.
And that I'mma put some of my older puns in here, now.

If Satan was addicted to coffee that would make him a Caffiend.

Do all fishermen rob banks?

Would I have to cover my penis in sugar for it to be junkfood?

If I had a daughter I'd like to name her Lilith, but hell knows what she'd go through in life because of her name.

If you found a large, aquatic mammal in serious condition, would it be hippocritcal?

"Dohohoho, this man is an idiot."

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