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Friday, August 8, 2008

I leave the best messages [No puns]


"I was promised food, so I demand proper compensation."

Anyways, you know what's bullshit? People who don't pay up. And not just people who don't pay up - people who don't pay up, who said they paid up, and the amount they said they paid wasn't even the amount they owed you.

This just happened to my brother.

He did something for someone that cost him 50 bucks. Two payments of $25, to be exact.

Well the guy claims that he's only owes 10 dollars.
10 dollars.


You can't Scam someone out of 40 dollars by saying you don't owe them that.

If you can you're one lucky SOB, beacuse if it was my, I'd club your kneecaps. Hard.

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